Qualifying Condition


Here is some reading and background information concerning ALS and medical marijuana. Please note some of these may not be the latest information but are included to offer a wide range of sources and opinions, they do not constitute medical advice, and in almost every case more research is needed before there is certainty.

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, or Lou Gehrig’s Disease, is a progressive, degenerative condition of the nervous system in which nerve cells break down, causing the muscle tissues to weaken. Symptoms of ALS include weakness in the muscles, muscle twitching and cramping, and slow or slurred speech. Medical cannabis can help those suffering from ALS by reducing muscle stiffness, stimulating the appetite, and helping alleviate pain.

man with als sitting in wheelchair assisted by older woman
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Getting an appointment for medical marijuana shouldn’t cause you more stress. We at Affordable Marijuana License are here to help make alternative medicine easy & affordable.

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